Jeesus on hyvä paimen (Also in English)
Myrtle-Grimm Turunen Kuva: Eero Ketola

Jeesus Kristus, Hyvä Paimenemme, puhuu meille Hesekielin kirjassa luvussa 34:11,16,26 ja,31: "Minä itse etsin lampaani ja pidän niistä huolen...Minä tahdon haavoittuneet sitoa, heikkoja vahvistaa...Minä pelastan laumani...ja minä teen siunatuiksi heidät ja vuodatan sateen ajallansa,- Ne ovat siunauksen sateita. .. Te olette minun lampaani, minun laitumeni lampaat, Minä olen teidän Jumalanne..."
Näissä jakeissa on ihania lupauksia:-
- Paimenemme etsii meitä (kunnes löytää meidät)
- Hän pitää meistä huolen
- Hän sitoo / parantaa haavamme
- Hän vahvistaa meitä.
- Hän pelastaa meidät
- Hän antaa päällemme siunausten sateet
Näinä päivinä on keskeistä nojata Hyvään Paimeneemme, joka voi tehdä kaiken mainitun meille.
Jotkut kysyvät: "Kuinka voimme kokea siunaukset, kun niin paljon hirvittäviä asioita tapahtuu maailmassa?"
Lapsena kasvoin erämaassa, missä oli vain vähän sadetta ja elimme hyvin köyhien ihmisten keskuudessa. Silloin opin joitakin tärkeitä asioita vanhemmiltani, jotka auttoivat monia heidän tarpeissaan. Kun pyysimme jotain, mitä halusimme, vanhemmat saattoivat kysyä: "Tarvitsetko sitä todella?" Mikä on suurin tarpeesi nyt? Vanhempani opettivat laulun: "Luettele siunauksesi! Nimeä ne yksitellen! Luettele siunauksesi! Katso, mitä Herra on tehnyt..." On kaunis tapa kokea Kristuksen siunaukset à luettelemalla siunaukset, nimeämällä yksitellen, kiittämällä Herraa kaikesta, mitä Hän tekee meille tai antaa meille päivittäin.
Kuningas Daavid koki monia vaikeuksia, mutta hän pystyi kirjoittamaan: " Mutta kuinka kalliit ovat minulle sinun ajatuksesi, Jumala." (Ps 139:17) Niin, Kaikkivaltias Isämme on valtaistuimella, katsoo meitä, rakastaa meitä, suojaa meitä ja siunaa meitä. Suuri Paimenemme sanoo meille: "Minä olen hyvä Paimenesi ja sinä olet lampaani. Sinulta ei koskaan mitään puutu, koska johdatan sinut rauhallisten, tyynten vesien varsille, missä sielusi saa levätä. Minä olen sinun elävä vetesi, jota annan Sanastani, rukouksista ja mietiskelyistä, hyvyydestäni niin, ettei sinulla koskaan ole jano. Minä hankin sinulle vihreät laitumet. Minä virvoitan ja uudistan sinut. Olen sinun kanssasi laaksossa ja vaikeuksissa, kun annat itsesi minulle päivittäin." [Psalmi 23 sovellettuna]
Kiitos Jeesuksemme että Sinä siunaat meitä Itselläsi ja Sanallasi!
Jesus Christ, our Good Shepherd
Jesus Christ, as our Good Shepherd, says to us from Ezekiel 34:11-31 "I myself will search for my sheep and look after them...I will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak...I will save My flock...I will send down showers in season, showers of are my sheep, the sheep of my pasture, and I am your God."
The above verses hold some lovely promises:-
- Our Shepherd will search for us [until He finds us]
- He will look after us.
- He will bind up/heal our wounds.
- He will strengthen us.
- He will save us.
- He will shower His blessings upon us.
During these days it is crucial that we lean into and onto our Good Shepherd who can do all of the above for us. Some ask; "How can we experience blessings when so many terrible things are happening around the world?"
When I was a child, growing up in a desert-like area where we had little rain and we lived among many impoverished people; I learned some valuable lessons from my parents who assisted many who were in need. When we asked for something we wanted; my parents sometimes asked; "Do you really need it?"
What are your biggest needs right now? My parents taught us a song - "Count
your blessings, name them one by one, Count your blessings, see what God has
done..." That is a beautiful way to experience Christ's blessings -> to
count our blessings, naming them one by one, thanking our Lord for all He does
for us or gives to us on a daily basis.
King David experienced many difficulties, but he could write; "How precious are Your thoughts towards me, O God." (Ps 139:17) Yes, our Almighty Father is still on the throne, watching us, loving us, protecting us and blessing us.
Our Great Shepherd says to us: "I am your good Shepherd and you are my lamb. You will never be in want because I lead you to tranquil, quiet streams where you find rest for your soul. I am your living waters, which I give you from My Word, prayers and meditating on My goodness, so you need never thirst. I provide green pastures for you to feed on, so you can be restored and renewed. I am with you in the Valley and hardships as you give yourself to me daily." [Adapted from Psalm 23]
Thank You our Jesus that You bless us with Yourself and Your Word!
Jesus Christ, as our Good Shepherd, says to us from Ezekiel 34:11-31 "I myself will search for my sheep and look after them...I will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak...I will save My flock...I will send down showers in season, showers of are my sheep, the sheep of my pasture, and I am your God."
The above verses hold some lovely promises:-
- Our Shepherd will search for us [until He finds us]
- He will look after us.
- He will bind up/heal our wounds.
- He will strengthen us.
- He will save us.
- He will shower His blessings upon us.
During these days it is crucial that we lean into and onto our Good Shepherd who can do all of the above for us. Some ask; "How can we experience blessings when so many terrible things are happening around the world?"
When I was a child, growing up in a desert-like area where we had little rain and we lived among many impoverished people; I learned some valuable lessons from my parents who assisted many who were in need. When we asked for something we wanted; my parents sometimes asked; "Do you really need it?"
What are your biggest needs right now? My parents taught us a song - "Count
your blessings, name them one by one, Count your blessings, see what God has
done..." That is a beautiful way to experience Christ's blessings -> to
count our blessings, naming them one by one, thanking our Lord for all He does
for us or gives to us on a daily basis.
King David experienced MANY difficulties, but he could write; "How precious are Your thoughts towards me, O God." (Ps 139:17) Yes, our Almighty Father is still on the throne, watching us, loving us, protecting us and blessing us.
Our Great Shepherd says to us: "I am your good Shepherd and you are my lamb. You will never be in want because I lead you to tranquil, quiet streams where you find rest for your soul. I am your living waters, which I give you from My Word, prayers and meditating on My goodness, so you need never thirst. I provide green pastures for you to feed on, so you can be restored and renewed. I am with you in the Valley and hardships as you give yourself to me daily." [Adapted from Psalm 23]
Thank You our Jesus that You bless us with Yourself and Your Word!